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Definitions & Quotes

As precepts are part of the thought development process and tend to be the foundation for our beliefs which in turn determine our behaviour, it is imperative to have concise definitions of words which cause the correct precept formation in the mind. Wrong believing equals wrong living. It all starts with a TRUTH not an assumption.

Inspirational Truths and Quotes

Success Mastery is when your Vision & Thoughts are more powerful than the opinions of the outer world

True success is when your life's assignment - purpose - mission has been accomplished
Psychology and Physiology - the faucet of life's outcomes
What you think about you bring about
CHOOSE to focus on what you want and not on what you don't want
What the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he
All exists within which if controlled & guided will manifest in reality
What you believe you do, what you don't you wont
Resourcefulness is a collaboration of thoughts, beliefs & execution
Once resourceful success is inevitable
The path to success is in success infused thoughts
Potential success is brewing in consciousness fueled by beliefs
Success exists where purpose and passion collide
Your life is a reflection of your consciousness
You have what you have settled for
People follow through on who they believe they are

Breakthrough is that moment in time you take action
Complexity is the enemy of execution
When you visualize you materialize
Dwell upon the end result you want
You create your life by choosing your thoughts
Be the ultimate doorman of your mental gateway
Success is not a lottery, nor a mystery - it is a formula
Everybody has the power to succeed but not everybody believes it
Life manifests whatever you hold as thoughts & beliefs in your subconscious mind
Purpose brings discipline
You can have whatever you choose to think about
Whatever you are thinking & feeling today is creating your future
Success is a result of decisions
Vision determines discipline
Decisions determine destiny
Become a deliberate creator of your life by choosing your thoughts & beliefs
Change your circumstances by changing your thinking
We are the sum total of our thoughts & choices

Invisibility is the foundation to visibility

Procrastination is the assassination of destination

God feeds the birds but he never drops a worm in their nest

Money loves speed and people have problems to solve and desires to fulfill ... go figure !

Turnover is for vanity, profit is for sanity, so how is your efficiency ?

Study your time then learn to buy it back 

The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding

When the pain overrides the change you're avoiding, success shows up

Successful behaviours precede successful outcomes

Practiced skillful behaviours form success

Millionaires have disciplined habits, Billionaires are networked

People must pay you with their attention before they'll pay you with their money.

Every thought and every word is a seed you are sewing in the garden of your future

These facts and quotes are the inspiration of: DR. John Hagelin, John Kehoe, Anthony Robins, Denis Waitley, Lisa Nichols, DR. Myles Monroe, Mike Dooley, DR. Myron Golden, Rob Hendry


The feelings and meanings we give to words, determine the precepts upon which our beliefs - Philosophy is built and this determines everything thereafter

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - acceptance of the truth or existence of something
AFFIRMATION - the action and emotional support of a declaration

ANXIETY - the perception of imagined future danger, pain, harm
BELIEF - a feeling of absolute certainty; an acceptance that something exists or is true
CHOOSE - select someone/something as the most appropriate amongst alternatives
CONCEPT - an abstract idea
CONSCIOUSNESS - an awareness or perception of something
CONDESCENDING - having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority
CONSCIOUS - aware of & responding to one's surroundings
CONVINCED - completely certain about something

DECIDE - is to consider then come to a resolution and cut off all alternate options
DESTINY - the events that will happen in the future to a person
DISCERNMENT - the ability to judge well
EMPOWER - make yourself stronger & more confident to control your life & claim your desires
EXPERT - a person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area
FAITH - the evidence of things hoped for not yet seen
FAIL - unsuccessful in achieving one's goal/s
FEAR - an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of real imminent present danger, pain, harm
FREE WILL - ability to choose between different courses of action unimpeded
GOALS (in context of a target) - an aim of a desired result
HOPE - the positive expectation of future good (from the Greek root word ELPIS)
HABIT - is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially difficult to give up
IMAGINATION - the power of forming a mental image of something/concept/image not present to the senses

INFUSION - the introduction of a new element or quality into something
INSPIRED - extraordinary quality arising from creative external impulse
INTUITION - the ability to understand something without the need for conscious reasoning
KNOWING - function of the mind - receive info via senses
MASTERY - control or superiority over something or someone
MANIFESTATION - the action or fact (of evidence) of something existing
MINDSET - the established set of attitudes and beliefs held by someone
MIND POWER - ability to control/develop thoughts & outcomes
MORALS - are formed out of one's values, creating beliefs that drive behaviour.
NEUROPLASTICITY - the brain's ability to change its physical structure as a result of
thinking/feeling/choosing/building memories/learning
PASSION - strong & barely controllable emotions
POWER - the capacity or ability to direct/influence the course of events/behaviour

PERSUASION - to consult or advise through to the end (per- through to completion ; suasion - consult or advise)
PURPOSE - the reason for which something/someone is created
REALITY - the state of things as they actually exist
RECEPTIVITY - the willingness to consider or accept new suggestions, ideas concepts
REJECTION - the dismissing or refusing of a proposal/idea/thought
SUBCONSCIOUS - part of the mind which one is not fully aware of, which influences one's feelings & actions,

protects & guides
SUCCESS - the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
STANDARD - a level of quality or achievement thought as acceptable
THOUGHTS - electro-chemical reactions in the mind/form of energy
TRANSFORMATION - complete change in the appearance or character of someone
UNDERSTANDING - to comprehend the meaning or workings of something
VALUES - are the foundation of one's ability to judge between right and wrong (pleasure and pain)
VISUALIZATION - the formation of a mental image of something - a rehearsal
WILLPOWER - the ability to keep the mind - control exerted to do something or restrain impulses - motivation to
exercise the will (thought choices)



Content in the Rob Hendry SUCCESSinfusion Mastery programmes will contain these words and it is vital to understand the true meaning of the words for clarity, understanding and wisdom. We need to have KNOWLEDGE, and UNDERSTANDING before we can execute with WISDOM. As applied knowledge is power let's ensure that we develop the correct mental framework and understanding before attempting execution. Unravelling incorrect beliefs is essential for growth.

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