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  Historical messaging from the puppeteers of                         education as we know it today
     The strategist & his advisor - John D. Rockefeller - F.T. Gates

Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset

Gift For Success

A book authored by Rob to unravel the atrocities caused by an education system and social idealisms, allegedly deliberately sculptured with nefarious intent, by controlling and fortune seeking individuals, to rob man of the ability to think freely and express his innate natural creativity with the intention of serving mankind with purpose and truth.


We need to protect our children. Are you aware that it is a criminal offence not to send a child to school ? What a choice - send a child to a school to avoid imprisonment knowing that the child's essence, free will and purpose for being here, is being manipulated. Teachers are none the wiser and it is not their fault but the grand master puppeteers' system is flourishing worldwide and enriching dynasties that dared to influence and sometimes control the most precious gift given to man - The gift of Free Will and the ability to Think and Make Individualistic Choices.


Whilst education is essential and has served mankind enabling millions of people worldwide to create a future for themselves and the ability to fit in, if it is misguided and not aligned with a person's gift to serve a specific purpose, then it will have a limiting effect on the attainment of an individuals purpose, true success, fulfillment and destiny.


If you are reading this, the chances of you having escaped and being unaffected by this global plot, in the past and in the present, is virtually impossible.


The Gift For Success is written with the intention of showing you not only how influencing and conditioning of the mind takes place but it also explains how to undo and eradicate the beliefs and strongholds that the "conditioning system" and unsolicited advice, conversations and circumstances have created in the mind. Be ready for the unexpected.


The format is an educational digital workbook. It is structured in a style that delivers knowledge, develops understanding and task based adaptability for personal wisdom. This educational workbook is a labour of love with the intention of assisting the reader to take back their Free Will in the true sense of the word and as a result, their destiny.


If you have not watched the documentary on allegedly "The Greatest Fraud of Our Time", superbly presented by Iman Gadzhi, then before proceeding please take time to view it as soon as you can. 


                                 SUCCESSinfusion IS THE GATEWAY TO FREEDOM

Gift for Success - Rob Hendry's Book
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